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Posing tips and photo tips for models

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Posing tips and photo tips for models

Most photographs don’t come naturally even with the most beautiful models. A good, professional photographer can give you some photo tips and guide you through a variety of model poses throughout the photo shoot. But whether you aspire to appear in print magazines, do high fashion shows, or just want to improve your next “selfie”, these modeling poses and photo tips will help you achieve much better photographs – both when you’re the model or the photographer taking the shots!

Do not always look directly into the camera. To enhance the quality of your photo shoot, look away from the camera with a mix of head and eye poses. Your head and neck can remain stationary and your eyes can do all the work. Look off to the right or left side. Tilt your neck. Try different facial expressions.


Do not hold your breath for a pose; always remember to breathe and appear at ease.

Keep your back straight and your shoulders up. Slouching affects the mood of the photograph and enlarges the appearances of your stomach. Flex your stomach muscles. This will make your abdomen appear more toned despite your weight or state of shape.


When posing, make sure to differentiate your arms and legs with asymmetrical poses. If you have one arm long and straight by your side, make sure the other arm is bent. The bend will make the modeling pose look more real, less artificial. Continue the asymmetry to your legs. If one leg is locked straight, give the other leg a casual bend.

Sitting Poses

Don’t slack off during sitting poses. If you are sitting down or reclining, put your weight on the back of one thigh, rather than distributing your weight equally on both thighs. This pose will result in a slimming effect!


While leaning forward bring your arms together at your waist, keep your arms straight at the elbows and clasp your hands together below your waist, or simply cross your arms. When leaning backward, raise your arms about your shoulders and head, keep your arms apart. Both poses will help maximize your cleavage.

Last, but not least: Smile!

To add variety to your modeling poses, try switching up your smile with a cute frown, a bratty bout, a friendly laugh, or even an edgy scowl. Your facial expressions can make or break your modeling poses.

Want to learn more? Check out my Portrait Photography Made Easy e-book!

Discover how to capture the perfect portrait photo, and take your photography skills to a new level in Portrait Photography Made Easy.